What is a building broker and how does it help me?

Building and renovating can be like navigating treacherous waters. There is so much to consider in order to get good results but sadly most people try to guess their way through it. 

A building broker can be the lighthouse for your journey.

A building broker works independent of builders helping clients design a great home, find the right builder and guide them to a successful result.

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Think of it like a department store but for builders.

There are many different builders to choose from how do you know which one is the right one for you?

With a building broker you can access multiple builders from one location with an expert helping you compare them .

A building broker works similar to a finance broker but with builders, we don’t represent one builder but several.  The idea is to provide you with unbiased advice on what is best for you. The advisor is flexible in choosing the right builder for your project. 

With Independent Building Advice (IBA) we regularly use 14 different builders. Some companies claim 100s but then you are not really working closely with them. 

As we work independent of builders we can provide you with right advice on design, building methods and inclusions. We shortlist multiple builders and get multiple quotes for you to compare.

We also provide you with tips and ideas to get the best results all the way through construction.

As we work for you not the builder we will save time, money and stress. 

It costs no more to use IBA than it does to go directly to a builder. 

Common things people find confusing

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How do you find the right builder?

It is tough, if you are not in the industry!! That's why IBA offers its building broker service.

The 5 main ways people get confused when choosing a builder.

Different ways people buy homes

Usual Way

Using an Architect

Building with IBA

So what is the best way to build or renovate?

You get Independent Building Advice in to give you the right information.

We remove the guesswork and give you unbiased advice to get the right design (on budget), with the right builder. Saving you time, money and stress. 

When you get the right advice you will have a smooth process. We always try to avoid problems before they occur but are great at fixing them if they arise. 

We are here to help. 

Contact us about your home