First time building? Not 100% sure what to do? You have come to the right place

Home building is a lot easy when you know what to do and when.

If done right, building a home can be an excellent experience, resulting in a great home just the way you want it. It can vastly improve your home life and that of your family.

However if you are new to building, you run the risk of making the wrong decisions, not understanding what it is you are agreeing to or just unaware of all the choices you have. Often we hear people say 

  • “I wish I had known that earlier”
  • “No one told me that” 
  • “I wouldn’t have done X if I knew it meant Y”
  • “I’m disappointed with how the home turned out it wasn’t what I thought.”

It is noramlly because people approach building by –

  • Crossing their fingers and hoping for the best – They try and navigate through the sea of pitfalls, misinformation and bad decisions to get the hopefully right result. This normally leads to various levels of regret.
  • They ask a friend or family member for advice on how they did when they built. These people really only know what they did or didn’t do and if it was some time ago the process may have changed. Your home is different to theirs and so will be the outcome.
  • Asking someone they know in the building industry but that person only has a narrow understanding of building and usually biased towards their builder especially if they get a referral or commission.

Building can be a great experience all you need is the information. Enter Independent Building Advice (IBA).

We are here to help. 

A common saying in building is you need to built 7 times to get the home right. Well, not anymore. How good would it be to have they information at your fingertips when and how you need it.

  • I’m about to buy a block. I will just read the quick tutorial on how to do it.
  • I need to choose a builder, I will just quickly ready what I need to asak.
  • I need to choose a floor plan, I will just put the home through a checking system to make sure it is a good one.
  • I need to choose a lender, I will just look up what the lingo means.
  • You get the idea. What you need to know when you need to it is right there on your phone, top, desktop etc.

If you are going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars invest a few hundred to get it right.  


How to have a great building experience.


As there has been