Why use IBA to build/renovate
your home?

Professional guidance to turn your dream into reality. We are experts in custom design, finding the right builders, and guiding you in avoiding mistakes. 

Why use IBA to build/renovate your home?

A better question is why wouldn't you use IBA?

Common problems such as price blowout, delays, builders going under, design mistakes, paying too much, shoddy workmanship etc, will not be a problem for you if IBA is by your side.

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When we work with builders, we bypass the sales people and work directly with the Owner, General Manager or Sales Manager. Rather than the sales person getting a commission we get paid a referral instead. 

This means it costs the same (sometimes cheaper) whether you go direct to the builder or through IBA. 

If you go directly to a build their advice will be biased based on how they do things. For example if you go to a builder who only builds in brick they will tell you brick is best.

We don’t need to conform to a builders policies and preferences. We will give you the best advice for your interests and then choose the best builder to deliver on this method.

We have negotiated with suppliers to get builder discounts for you. This way you can save thousands going direct. Check out our menu option for more information. 

We will shortlist builders, tender out the design and compare them all for you to make sure you comparing apples with apples. 

From this information we will recommend what we think is best option but you  ultimately decide. 

As we have a number of clients building at any one time with a builder. The builder will take our concerns and requests a lot more seriously than if you are an individual building just one home.  

On tops of this, the builders know, that we know, exactly what we are doing and we’ll not tolerate any shenanigans. 

Cut through all the marketing, pretty display homes and social media noise to find the real best builders in Perth. We have decades of experience knowing the industry. 

We choose builders by looking at their history, talking to their clients, chatting to their suppliers and more (checkout “how we choose builders” for more information). 

When we refer to multiple builders for quotes, we request the same referral from each builder. This way we are  unbiased to one or another. We will always  recommend the best option for you. 

We know the builders who care, have not over sold, build a good home in a good timeframe and are competitively priced.

We have done the research so you benefit. 

We work for you, not the builder. We know how the builders think, the tricks, the process and how they maximise the results for themselves. 

We know how to make that system work for you, getting the best results for you and your home.

You want your home built well but efficiently. Time is money and the longer the construction takes the more it will cost you. Our builders have their trades and suppliers ready. We are normally about 4-6 months faster than the industry average. 

Not all designers are made equal. A good design needs to meet the local codes, be energy efficient, have good air flow, be practical, look great, make you feel house proud and suit your lifestyle. 

One of the biggest fears and disappointments with building, is when the additional costs spring up. Especially when they have not been  budgeted for. 

We can see most potential problems from the beginning and can take steps to avoid them or budget for them. 

One of the biggest problems people have building is they over design the home, pack it full of features and when they get the price it blows the budget. Then they are faced with extending the budget or pulling things out of the home that they love. This often results in disappointment with the final version. 

We know what things cost so will guide you from day one, when you get the price at the end its on budget but you also love the home. 

99% of problem you hear about are from people not knowing what they are doing or getting bad advice. 

We know how builders think, the hidden costs, the time it takes and how to get the best results. We guide you from start to finish. 

We tell you the truth and give you facts upfront so you know exactly what you’re getting into. 

We normally account for most things before they happen. 

What makes the building experience more enjoyable is having confidence in what you are doing. We will give you that by guiding you all the way through. 

The process should be a fun adventure. Where you love the results as well as the journey. We are there to make it fun, exciting and as stress free as possible. 


Time it takes to build

1 Storey Build Times

Industry average


IBA Builder's average


2 Storey Build Times


"When it comes to building it's not just who you know, it's also what you know."

How do we do this?

Simply put: Knowledge is power...
...and we're giving that power to you.

Independent Building Advice is run by industry experts with decades of experience working in the industry.

We the know the good builders from bad, we know how builders think and operate, the tricks builders can pull and how to work the system to get the best results. We work independently so our advice is unbiased.

How we avoid the more common problems.

Price blowouts

This can be avoided by going through builders who say what they mean and provide paperwork to supper it (without the fine print).

We also go through all the hidden costs upfront so you know exactly what you’re in for from the beginning.

This can be avoided by going through builders with good supplier agreements and have not taken on more work than they can handle.

This can be avoided by going through experienced builders why know how to navigate the volatile prices but have also maintained cashflow as they have not over extended themselves.

Paying too much

We go to builders who charge a fair price for a good job. They don’t over charge you because they are a household name or because they are just seeing dollar signs. We are there to keep them in check.

Design mistakes

We have a panel of award winning designers and architects who design amazing homes to meet the building codes.

Shoddy workmanship

All of the builders we recommend have a long history of high-quality work. By all means you can speak to their current/recent clients and hear from them yourself.

Chat to us about your project and we will point you in the right direction.

Book a free consultation.

Contact us about your home