Home Design Feedback

Get a second opinion on your home design with our 12 point design check. We look at solar orientation, furnish-ability, design flow, light, ventilation and much more to see if your design is practical, functional and epic.

Is your design as good as it seems? Let us review it with our 20 years of experience. It's better to get it right the first time.

Real life design situation 1

The client signed with a builder on this design. They thought they might get a second opinion and found out the below. Luckily, we caught it at a time it could be changed. 

Real life design situation 2

This client had already signed with a builder as the home was huge and on budget. They thought they were getting a great deal. The issue is that there were so many problems with the design that is had clearly been done by someone who either didn’t care or didn’t know better. 

Real life design situation 3

This home was actually designed by an experienced consultant who simply missed a few items. Once the issues were identified, everything was amended. If it had not been picked up on there would have been tears at key handover. 

Real life design situation 4

This is one of the worst home designs we have seen. The home literally can not be built as it does comply with shire requirements.

If we hadn’t caught this and the client signed on this home, it would need to be completely re-designed half way through the process, resulting in loss of deposit and months of time. 

Changing something at design stage is simply a case of adding or moving a line or two on a page. Changing a mistake after it is built will costs you thousands.

Design Tips

When it comes to building, there is nothing worse than designing a beautiful home only to find out you made a mistake, something doesn’t look right or because you didn’t realise what it was on the plan. 

If you are going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on building your home, let us help you get it right.

Get a second opinion by letting one of our experts cast their eye over it. There is a good chance we will see something you won’t have.

It really is a small price to pay to make sure your home is the best your money can buy. 

Discover our designs

Our 3 step process to a great home and a stressless build!

Expert home design

We use a panel of architects and designers to create your dream home space. They have decades of experience of mixing style and practicality for great results.

Select the best builders for your project.

We shortlist Perth best builders for your home and get 2-3 quotes.  All of our builders must meet ALL 7 criteria to be recommended by IBA. Solid financial position, well priced, fixed prices, consistent communication, decent build times, quality workmanship and most important good people.

Unbiased independent advice all the way

We work for you not the builder and stay with you right through from start to finish making sure everything is as it should be.

Let's work together!

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