Design mistakes that could have been averted.

Here is the design

This home was designed by a builder and presented to the client. The client (new to building) signed off on the design saying they were happy with it.  However it could have been designed much better. 

Here we will show some issues that are simple to  changes at design stage but major changes after construction. 

Mistake one

Poor privacy.

There is a direct view straight from the ling room into the master. So the master bedroom door would have to remain shut whenever guests come over.  

Mistake two

You can see directly from the entry into a toilet.

This is bad design, Toilets and bathrooms should be closed off from direct view from main arteries. 

Mistake three

This room is very hard to furnish.

  • If you put the bed on the wall to the right it blocks the entry.
  • If you put the bed on the front wall it will be under the front windows and that is no idea. 
  • If you put the bed on the left wall it blocks the robe. 
  • It wont fit on the activity/bed wall as there is a robe there. 

Mistake four

This room is similar to mistake three as it very hard to furnish.

  • If you put the bed on the wall to the right it blocks the entry.
  • If you put the bed on the front wall it will be under the front windows and that is no idea. 
  • If you put the bed on the left wall there is a robe there. 
  • If you put the bed on the bathroom wall it blocks the robe. 

Mistake five

It is hard to see but the rectangles on the top of the room are linen cupboards. Therefore tables or chairs can not go on that wall. 

A small couch could be placed on the bedroom 4 wall but why would it be there? It would be a random couch in a room. A table wouldn’t work as it would block the passage to the bathroom. 

So this room is really a glorified walkway.

Easy Solutions to the above mistakes

So here are our solutions. 

  1. Reshape the wall to the master. 
  2. Extend the wall in the hall. 
  3. Relocate the robe. Now the bed can go on the left wall.
  4. Relocate the robe. Not the bed can go on the left wall. 
  5. Relocate the linen cupboards. This opens up the room to be furnished. 

Can you spot other issues with this design?

Hint – 

Look at solar orientation

Furnishing on the living room. 

The sink location for the servery window. 

Towel rail in ensuite.  

If you want feedback on your home design. Send it through to us to have a look at.

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