Is it time to downsize and have a home that is far more manageable?
There is no point having a big home that you are constantly cleaning and doing maintenance on, but are not using.
Downsizing is a great move to create a home space that is perfect for your lifestyle.
Watch the video to get IBA’s advice for people downsizing so you get the best results for your home.

We have helped a lot of people over the years downsize to a home that is right for them. We have also seen plenty of mistakes people have made too.
Downsizing is a great move to create a home space that is perfect for your lifestyle.
Finding a Builder
How IBA selects builders
Choosing a builder will either make or break your experience and outcome. For most people finding the right one can be a very difficult task. Big brands have multi-million dollar budgets telling they are the best… but are they? Forums and review sites are unreliable and friends and family can only go on their limited experience with recommendations.
This is why people use IBA as third party unbiased referrers.
With 20 years building industry experience we have an inside knowledge of how a lot of builders really work. We know which ones really care about their clients, which ones over charge because of a their name, the ones that are only about making money, the ones that have no care at all and the ones that want the best for you and will go above and beyond to achieve it. We can see past the millions of dollars spent on marketing, the review sites and Shonky Builder Groups and get to the true heart of the builder.
The people make the builder, and our relationships with builders makes IBA. There is 150 people involved in building a home. This ranges from designers, admins staff, estimators, trades, shire people and more. We look at the leadership of the businesses, who runs the show. Are they good people? Are they passionate about building? What is there relationship with their clients? What do their current clients and past clients say about them? This is information you will not find on their website and only through insight and relationships do we feel comfortable to put them forward.
Building a home is more than price and inclusions (although these are important) this is a home built by humans for passionate clients. We look for the extra services that become really important throughout the process. We look at how the builder communicates. Do they allow you to make changes in construction. Do you get the supervisors direct number, do they have interior designers, what are the home to supervisor ratios, what guarantees do they offer etc. Will they be proactive in helping you have a great outcome or passive. We ask the questions that most people don’t think to ask.
It is important to get value for money. If your budget is fixed then you want to get the best home, inclusions and price for your budget. At the same time, you don’t want low quality. No one will notice your awesome kitchen if you have a 3mm crack down the wall. Being on a tight budget doesn’t mean you have to have low quality. It means you need a builder that has the right balance of inclusions, workmanship, service and price. We put forward the right builder for the right project. To come in on budget but also deliver a great home.
Common mistakes people make when downsizing:
- changed from a big property to too small and felt claustrophobic.
- they design a home that they still need to cleaning although they are not using some rooms.
- they don’t cater for the future where they may need some disability service and there isn’t enough room to manoeuvre.
- they don’t allow enough room for a caravan they can travel.
IBA's Steps to Downsizing
Step One
we sit with you and discuss how you live your life, giving you plenty of tips for people downsizing. We then design you a home to suit.
Step Two
We shortlist the best builders for your home. Making sure we get the best value for money in quality, service and price.
Step three
We stay with you through the whole home journey helping you avoid mistakes but also guiding you get the best outcome for your new home.
Our consultants have lots of ideas and tips for downsizing, we encourage you to email, text or call us (which ever you prefer) to discuss your plans for a new home.